Interesting Documentaries List

Posted: 16th October 2011 by Ammar Qammaz in Post


Dangerous Knowledge (Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics) -BBC

The century of the self
The Power of Nightmares
The Trap — What Happened to our Dream of Freedom
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

Us Now

The light bulb conspiracy

Why we fight
The Fog of War

Manufacturing Consent
Home Documentary
BBC – The Secret Life of Chaos

September and October 2011

Posted: 14th October 2011 by Ammar Qammaz in Post
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Well , things aren`t going very well in Greece..
Stocks are falling , strikes and riots everyday and a general anxiety and disappointment about where this country is heading. Although I can`t say I belong to a social class directly pressured (yet) by the economic meltdown happening all around ( and if I did I would probably not blog about it ) it is sad to see the pessimism diffused everywhere and especially in everyone aged 23-28 , a generation that has just now reached the point to enter the working force after finishing with the educational cycle of life.
Even if there is unemployment and even if we are the 600euro generation ( a term coined up by Greek media , as it is the average post-reductions monthly wage for most junior positions at Greek companies ) I cant stop but think that I am lucky to be part of it.
People have always had problems and always were tormented , in the past , in the present and will probably continue to do so in the future. But it just isn`t possible for past “primitive” societies to be able to produce men like Plato , Fermat , DaVinci , Kant, Nietzsche and at this day and age with all the wonderful possibilities opened with tools such as the internet to see the public acting so foolishly panicked and such a lack of leadership from the Greek financial and political leaders.
It is this attitude that produces the biggest part of the crisis as members of the Greek community dont trust each other , and don`t even trust themselves.
And its a natural consequence that when people fail to stand up to a crisis as units they will also fail as a group.

This is my first real post , apart for blogs about technical details of work I’ve done and I don`t want to babble a lot.

In a few words I wish that people would realize the possibilities laid before them and grab life by the throat instead of passively whine about it and blame everyone else.

I guess it is a gift most people lack, to be able to see possibility where most people don`t..

Update : 76th Thessaloniki Internation Fair

Posted: 15th September 2011 by Ammar Qammaz in Post
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The exhibition has been a great success until now , with lots of people visiting the stands and big media coverage ..
The link to the guarddog project is for anyone visiting the page after he saw guarddog on the TIF..


Some Greek shows which featured us , live on air..
GuarddoG @ Robotics Exhibition – 76η ΔΕΘ 13-9-2011 , Ant1 Ellate
GuarddoG @ Robotics Exhibition – 76η ΔΕΘ 13-9-2011 , SKAI τώρα
GuarddoG @ Robotics Exhibition – 76η ΔΕΘ 13-9-2011 , Alpha Ειδήσεις

76th Thessaloniki Internation Fair

Posted: 8th September 2011 by Ammar Qammaz in Post
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76th International Fair of Thessaloniki

The GuarddoG project will be part of the 76th International Fair of Thessaloniki , at the Innovation and Inventions event..

IFT is the largest international exhibition in the country , so this is very important , and although the new cameras are not installed and the chassis is looking , well kind of ragged :P , I still hope to give a good show :)

Happy 20th birthday Linux!

Posted: 26th August 2011 by Ammar Qammaz in Post

I'll be celebrating 20 years of Linux with<br />
The Linux Foundation!

The Story of Linux: Commemorating 20 Years of the Linux Operating System

Linus pronounces linux