I was very happy to learn about a new political movement called , the Greek Pirate party..
It is the only ( as far as I know ) political entity with these kind of agendas in Greece. The political parties that historically passed laws in Greece where so technologically illiterate that they banned all electronic games ( http://news.cnet.com/2100-1040-956357.html ) “by accident” a few years ago to combat online gambling.
This country needs educated representatives on issues of the digital age , and although I know that most of the older generation voters are “programmed” to vote what their family voted for , gradually I hope for some decent representation on the Greek parliament.!
Typical Greek Voter , I believe that these people cant even begin to understand what a pirate party stands for..!
Typical Greek Politician saying in parliament that if the greek national power company stops working that all the computers in the country will lose all their data..