Accelerometer connection

September 26th, 2010

Accelerometer connection

I am currently connecting the memsic 2125 dual axis accelerometer to an old floppy ribbon cable.

The cable will also carry current to a LED flashlight that will illuminate the path of the robot as well as an Infrared LED that will command neighboring devices that have IR remote control :) ( Tv , aircondition , etc. )

I ve found code to integrate it with arduino


   Read the Memsic 2125 two-axis accelerometer.  Converts the
   pulses output by the 2125 into milli-g's (1/1000 of earth's
   gravity) and prints them over the serial connection to the
   The circuit:
  * X output of accelerometer to digital pin 2
  * Y output of accelerometer to digital pin 3
  * +V of accelerometer to +5V
  * GND of accelerometer to ground
   created 6 Nov 2008
   by David A. Mellis
   modified 30 Jun 2009
   by Tom Igoe
   This example code is in the public domain.
// these constants won't change:
const int xPin = 2;    // X output of the accelerometer
const int yPin = 3;    // Y output of the accelerometer
void setup() {
  // initialize serial communications:
  // initialize the pins connected to the accelerometer
  // as inputs:
  pinMode(xPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(yPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
  // variables to read the pulse widths:
  int pulseX, pulseY;
  // variables to contain the resulting accelerations
  int accelerationX, accelerationY;
  // read pulse from x- and y-axes:
  pulseX = pulseIn(xPin,HIGH);  
  pulseY = pulseIn(yPin,HIGH);
  // convert the pulse width into acceleration
  // accelerationX and accelerationY are in milli-g's:
  // earth's gravity is 1000 milli-g's, or 1g.
  accelerationX = ((pulseX / 10) - 500) * 8;
  accelerationY = ((pulseY / 10) - 500) * 8;
  // print the acceleration
  // print a tab character:

Connected SRF-05,and tested with arduino :)

September 26th, 2010




Code from :)


const int numOfReadings = 10;                   // number of readings to take/ items in the array
int readings[numOfReadings];                    // stores the distance readings in an array
int arrayIndex = 0;                             // arrayIndex of the current item in the array
int total = 0;                                  // stores the cumlative total
int averageDistance = 0;                        // stores the average value
// setup pins and variables for SRF05 sonar device
int echoPin = 2;                                // SRF05 echo pin (digital 2)
int initPin = 3;                                // SRF05 trigger pin (digital 3)
unsigned long pulseTime = 0;                    // stores the pulse in Micro Seconds
unsigned long distance = 0;                     // variable for storing the distance (cm)
unsigned int proximity=0;
void setup()
  pinMode(initPin, OUTPUT);                     // set init pin 3 as output
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);                      // set echo pin 2 as input
  // create array loop to iterate over every item in the array
  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numOfReadings; thisReading++) {
readings[thisReading] = 0;
// initialize the serial port, lets you view the
// distances being pinged if connected to computer
// execute
void loop() {
digitalWrite(initPin, HIGH);                    // send 10 microsecond pulse
delayMicroseconds(10);                  // wait 10 microseconds before turning off
digitalWrite(initPin, LOW);                     // stop sending the pulse
pulseTime = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);             // Look for a return pulse, it should be high as the pulse goes low-high-low
distance = pulseTime/58;                        // Distance = pulse time / 58 to convert to cm.
total= total - readings[arrayIndex];           // subtract the last distance
readings[arrayIndex] = distance;                // add distance reading to array
total= total + readings[arrayIndex];            // add the reading to the total
arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1;                    // go to the next item in the array
// At the end of the array (10 items) then start again
if (arrayIndex >= numOfReadings)  {
    arrayIndex = 0;
  averageDistance = total / numOfReadings;      // calculate the average distance
  // if the distance is less than 255cm then change the brightness of the LED
  if (averageDistance < 255) {
    proximity = 255 - averageDistance;        // this means the smaller the distance the brighterthe LED.
  //analogWrite(redLEDPin, redLEDValue);          // Write current value to LED pins
  //Serial.println(averageDistance, DEC);         // print out the average distance to the debugger
   Serial.println("Proximity ");
  delay(100);                                   // wait 100 milli seconds before looping again

FlashySlideshows vid :)

September 20th, 2010

Stasimotita :P

September 18th, 2010

My exams are over at 28 Sept and I will have to join military service somewhere in november..!
I haven`t even had time to hook up my new parts yet!

On some spare time I have in between lessons
I am working on FlashySlideshows ( ) and go for a walk taking photos ( )

New parts arived :)

September 8th, 2010

I`ve got my new parts &amp;#58;&amp;#41;

New parts posing for the camera

New motor controller MD25

I hooked up the MD25 controller and it worked “out of the box” with my lib written for the MD23. No changes , except removing the jumpers to enable I2C mode , as the new version also features serial interfacing via the same pins..

A little thought is needed in order to decide the placing of the SRF-05 sensors , my dual-axis accelerometer is very light weighted , ( which is a good thing &amp;#58;&amp;#68; ) the IR Photoreflectors will be added in the base of the robot so it will not fall from stairs , and maybe able to follow lines using purely hardware operation ( i.e. the onboard PC being switched off )..

Finally with the IR receivers plus IR leds I plan to make the robot be able to respond to remote control commands , and being also able to switch on/off electronic appliances ( TV , Aircondition , w/e )

All i need now is some spare time , cables , and maybe a new soldering iron ;P

Just ordered new parts from Active-Robots

August 31st, 2010

I just order new parts for guarddog after raising money during summer &amp;#58;&amp;#41;

The new parts I will be including to the design are

1x Mesmsic 2125 Dual-axis Accelorometer
4x Piezo Film Vibra Tab Mass
1x 12V 2.8A Dual H-Bridge MD25
2x SRF05 + Mounting Hardware Kit
2x Fairchild IR Photoreflector
2x Infrared Optical Sensor

Cant wait to have them!

Also during the last week I started a deviant-art gallery ( ) , automatic slideshow ( )..

And I also started writing a slideshow application ( ) &amp;#58;&amp;#41;

On other news , I will be joined Greek military in november ( military service is compulsory for 9 months in Greece ) so I have to make the following months count !

MD23 shorted out :S ?

July 30th, 2010

After powering up guarddog after my summer vacations it started moving in an erratic way front and back before the motherboard booted , I immediately pulled out the power cable but now the MD23 board wont even power the red led ( that signals that the board has voltage on its ends ) the board seems to be fried ( ) , but I have no idea why..

The USB 2 I2C module seems intact and so does everything else

I will have to order a new one but since the MD23 controller is discontinued I will have to go with the MD25 one ( )

It is a pretty big set back since I was about to start meshing together 2D snapshots to a 3D world representation using the data from the motor encoders but now I have to wait for the order to ship from England and then rewire everything etc..

Anyways , 3 interesting videos !