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VXL library
VXL library
A library I stumbled upon on the net..
Seems pretty handy , although I wont be using it..
I have kind of implemented my own computer vision library and I am satisfied with OpenCV for the few calls of it I use..!
Introduction: What is VXL?
VXL (the Vision-something-Libraries) is a collection of C++ libraries designed for computer vision research and implementation. It was created from TargetJr and the IUE with the aim of making a light, fast and consistent system. VXL is written in ANSI/ISO C++ and is designed to be portable over many platforms. The core libraries in VXL are:vnl (numerics): Numerical containers and algorithms. e.g. matrices, vectors, decompositions, optimisers.
vil (imaging): Loading, saving and manipulating images in many common file formats, including very large images.
vgl (geometry): Geometry for points, curves and other elementary objects in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions.
vsl (streaming I/O), vbl (basic templates), vul (utilities): Miscellaneous platform-independent functionality.As well as the core libraries, there are libraries covering numerical algorithms, image processing, co-ordinate systems, camera geometry, stereo, video manipulation, structure recovery from motion, probability modelling, GUI design, classification, robust estimation, feature tracking, topology, structure manipulation, 3d imaging, and much more.
Each core library is lightweight, and can be used without reference to the other core libraries. Similarly, the non-core libraries don’t depend on more than absolutely necessary, so you can compile and link just the libraries you really need.
For a more detailed description of the libraries see the VXL book.
VXL is developed and used by an international team from academia and industry, including some of the world’s leading computer vision experts.