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The GuarddoG "paper" is complete (?)
It seems too good to believe ;P , but after all this time the guarddog “documentation” , my BSc thesis seems to be complete
Some issues remain with the table of contents and other typographic details but the fact of the matter is that the theory , ideas and details have now been passed from thoughts on my mind to paper and I am very happy .
Subjects analyzed for computer vision and robotics are camera calibration ( pinhole model , calibration , rectification ) , basic image processing, disparity mapping ( depth mapping by binocular stereoscopy ) , integral images , haar cascades , corner and feature detection , lukas kanade pyramid optical flow , ransac , A* Pathfinding and many others as well as lots of notes on implementing all these in a compact stack with serious performance considerations.
I hope that people around the web will find my work useful and it will help them understand and organize all those different concepts easier on their mind , since this is the goal of this work..