Shakey ( 1966 - 1972 ) » |
Some news..
Its been three months since the last post in this blog..
Mainly due to finally delivering the GuarddoG thesis along with a presentation in an event organized by the aueb graphics group
I have started to use ARCH ( instead of Ubuntu Server ) in the GuarddoG onboard computer and thus some of the recent work has been finding pacman equivilents to apt-get packages , writing a new service starter that preloads v4l2 compatibility shared objects and some other environment/setup code ..
It is kind of weird to have “officially finished” with something that was such a big part of my everyday life for the last 4-5 years.. and I certainly want ( and probably will ) continue to actively develop it..! The truth though is that major work needs to be done , especially in the hardware/exterior part of the robot.
As always new commits can be found on github .. and due to the repository getting so big , I am thinking of “forking” a new one , probably RoboVisionNG or something like that to start off a fresh git history tree to reduce the size of the repo and remove obsolete history objects..
The RoboVision repository will still remain though..