Figure A1


AmmarGUI is a new Graphical User Interface designed by our team.. It`s main goals are to be fast , pretty and easy towards the user and the programmer..

All of our applications that feature user interaction are based on it and so you can get a taste by downloading some of our freeware apps in the menu on your left.

AmmarGUI currently has been tested and is found to be working in Windows 98SE , ME , 2000 , XP , as for system requirements , the worst case PC tested was a Pentium 75MHz , 16MB RAM with Windows 98SE in which it run without problems..

Technicaly AmmarGUI is based on Ammarunit which means (long made short) low-level Win32API commands..

One of the most fundamental features in AmmarGUI is skinning.. Any program using this Graphical Interface can change its looks and behavior with no recompilation needed. Just make a file named enviroment.nfo in the program directory and in it write " skin(skin_name) " and on the next run the application will transform itself as you can see in figure A1.

Also as you can understand the skin is totally independent from the Windows Shell and even from other AmmarGUI apps . You can change and adjust each and every single application on its own..

Another key feature is the ability to tweak the GUI for best performance , fast response by adjusting how CPU intensive it will be and all that from a Graphical Control Panel located inside the Resources of the Program.

Finally other features worth mentioning are , built in screen saver , runtime internal optimizations , full native Greek language Support (even on older non-unicode machines) , fast loading due to many algorithmic tweaks and precalculations , fast typing , typing autocomplete.

Another key feature is the ability to tweak the GUI for best performance , fast response by adjusting how CPU intensive it will be and all that from a Graphical Control Panel located inside the Resources of the Program.

Finally other features worth mentioning are , built in screen saver , runtime internal optimizations , full native Greek language Support (even on older non-unicode machines) , fast loading due to many algorithmic tweaks and precalculations , fast typing , typing autocomplete.

What we would like to improve

1)AmmarGUI`s biggest bottleneck at this time is the Windows GDI.. On one hand it offers a very light load on older systems but on the other it does not allow luxurious effects like MacOS GUI or Gnome+XGL
It is said that Windows Vista will provide unified Graphics support through DirectX10 so this may mean that AmmarGUI will become automatically hardware powered on newer machines.. If not we may consider porting it to OpenGL..

2)We would like to improve windows/task switching , add animated moving windows and fix some redrawing problems that happen when the AmmarGUI window is overlapped by a windows window

3)Another feature being developed is advanced user typing which we are trying to make as user-friendly as possible.. Wouldn`t it be great if your application knew your vocabulary and helped you as you were typing? And this not in one or two applications (like Microsof Word for instance) but built in the GUI Core..

Requirements - Resources

In order to run an AmmarGUI program you will have to download and extract the "Resources" data which contains skin information , a control panel and some other necessary data..

Downloading it will install 3 different skins , a Windows Luna like Skin (named Windows) , a Dark Colored skin (named tiggz , created by tiggz on the internet) , and the default Skin1 (named skin1 ,found on the internet)

Every AmmarGUI program will prompt you if it fails to locate the required Resources folder and lead you to this website to download them..

Figure A2

Important : AmmarGUI doesn`t use the Windows Registry to store information ,so you will have to extract the Shared Resources to
X:\Program Files\A-Tech\ (where X can be drive A , B , C , etc)
All the AmmarGUI programs "guess" that they will find their required resources there..

Name Version Licence Runs on Last Update
Download Link
AmmarGUI Shared Resources N/A Freeware Anything 23-10-2006
488 KB